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Pop of People

My parents let me use their camera for the first time when I was only a toddler. Since then I had gone through many point and shoots until I finally got my first professional camera at the end of high school. As I got older my vast interest in photography was funneled into portraiture. Now I am 21 and there is nothing that I like to photograph more than people and I am building a company to do just that. 

When I was a child I refused to have the same favorite color for too long because I didn’t want the other colors to feel bad. While I have moved on from that and have firmly selected my favorite colors to be black and pink, there is still a place in my heart for the whole color spectrum.

In this project, titled Pop of People (a play on pop of color) I looked for the most colorful people I could find in New York City.I wanted to find people who are colorful, whether it’s their hair, their clothes, or anything else. I wanted to find people that bleed color and capture them. They always look amazing. They capture my attention in a way nothing else can. I took that adoration and created this project.

NYC photographer

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